Monday, December 13, 2004

The End of the Sleepover

Our house is old. We've had it for...what? 30 years? When typhoon Winnie hit, our roof started leaking in two places - one of which was my room. So I moved to B's side of the room (one of the few benefits of A moving out - hahaha!) while the roof was being sealed on the day typhoon Yoyong arrived. And it was sealed just in time! However, because we had a garage sale and I decided that I needed to "clean", to "prune", to "re-arrange" (I am SO my mother's daughter), I ended up staying in B's side for two weeks. It was like being in looong a slumber party.

The funny thing is that Max was confused. He's used to sleeping next to my bed. He didn't know where to sleep. He suddenly had all this space, but I wasn't there. And dogs have a rather interesting "confused look". Eventually, he settled in, but it was funny watching him walk in, look at my side of the room and then look at the other side, look back at my side of the room, and then slowly decide where he should place himself, turn around three times, then lie down.

Yesterday I moved back to my old space, and so did Max. I think he's happy to be back. B is happy that she has her space all to herself again. I'm happy to be surrounded by my junk. Alhtough I'm back to shouting across the wall to make kwento with my sister late at night. Mother will have a hard time sleeping again. Talkative sisters do that to their mothers, you know. Should we give her peace and have another sleepover?


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