Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bro. Felix Mason, FSC

No student likes being called to the Disciplinary Office or the Principal's Office (unless you're Jennifer Bautista whose mother was the Principal's secretary). Growing up in La Salle Zobel, none of us liked being anywhere near Battling Bengal Bro. Raymond Bronowichz. But no one had a problem being called to Bro. Felix's office. A friend of mine, Bro. Arian (the first La Salle Brother from Zobel), wrote that Bro. Felix's last post in the Philippines was as La Salle Bacolod's "Campus Animator". Yup, that's what he was even if his official title in Zobel was "Brother Director". He was the the sweet old man who never called me by my real name (I never knew why he always called me "Charlie"), the one who knew each student by name or nickname and greeted all of us in the hallway, the educator who helped us cut class but threatened to lock us up with the lost-and-found items in the bodega if we went too far.

I've always worried about Bro. Felix's health since I heard about his cancer, and I'm obviously very affected by his passing (a little more than Bro. Benedict's probably because I really grew up with Bro. Felix). I can't even come up with a decent tribute (notice how long it took to me to post this!). I've been planning a trip to California this December and was so looking forward to visiting Bro. Felix with my Dad. The last time I said goodbye to Bro. Felix was years ago while I was heading towards the North Gate of La Salle Taft and he was walking to the Brothers' Quarters in the La Salle Building. I cried when I received the text message from Andaya saying he had passed away. I cried when I read the blog posts from his former students and my fellow schoolmates. I cried when I saw the video tribute that the alumni played at his wake and posted on YouTube. My only regret is that I lost most of the stampitas he gave me on my birthday (I know people who still have theirs!).

St. John Baptist de la Salle, pray for Bro. Felix. Live Jesus in his heart, forever.

From the De La Salle - Santiago Zobel School website, written by Bro. Arian Lopez, FSC.

From the De La Salle Alumni Association of Northern California
(if you look at the last picture on the right, there's a guy in a La Salle jacket. That's my Dad. Bro. Felix paddled him in grade school). Don't forget to check out the video.


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