For the past two years, I’ve been starting my year-end posts with a beautiful Neil Gaiman quote, and will do so again (I continue to wish it upon us all): "May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."
2008 - difficult as it was during the first half with everything that happened at work - was a good year for me; and I usher in 2009 with a strong feeling that things will only get better. And here goes another year-end round up, and I again wish that you all look back on this last year with fond memories and look forward to the next with grace and hope. Happy New Year!
What is/are the best thing/s you did in 2008?
Got my dream job! Woohoo! Spent more time with family and friends – among the highlights was time spent with Papa, Julia, The Nielsens, Neil and John in June and again in December (yup, I’m typing this in another country in another time zone. Surprise!). Finally brought one family member to what has become my second home:
What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
Had dinners out in different restaurants every week with complete strangers. Gave a eulogy (RIP, Caye). Took pictures at a wake (I’m sorry, but Tito Nene’s and Father Pat’s wakes were just so beautiful). Visited the Brothers’ community in
What was/were the best place/s you visited in 2008?
I didn’t go anywhere that was particularly exciting and new, but I enjoyed my “return trip” to
What was/were the best meal/s you had in 2008?
All the food I had in
What was/were the best drink/s you had in 2008?
All the alcohol we had at The Cuis’ place all year (what was the wine with chocolate? McMannis?).
What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
No change: more time to write, a better eye and faster trigger finger for photography, plus more money and leave days to travel. I want to explore and share my adventures ;)
What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Yesterday (30 December 2008), simply because I really felt like my father’s daughter. And that’s a good thing!
What was/were the best thing/s you bought?
A laptop, a car (goodbye, dear Luke. Hello, Zeigfried!), a classic 160GB iPod (finally!) and all manner of iPod accessories, a waterproof headset for the iPod Shuffle that Julia gave me for my birthday (I love it! Swimming has never been the same since), a waterproof/shockproof camera for my Mom, a particular pair of wonderfully comfortable loafers, tickets to The Police reunion concert, and tickets to the Formula One night race.
Where did most of your money go?
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Bianca's first trip to Singapore. Watching The Police and the
What song/s will always remind you of 2008?
Warning Sign by Coldplay, The Story by Brandi Carlile, all the glam rock tunes we “sang” on Facebook.
Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or more sad? – Happier
ii. thinner or fatter? – No difference (just plain fat!).
iii. richer or poorer? – Same answer as last year, “Definitely poorer. But richer in spirit (naks!).”
What do you wish you'd done more of?
My list hasn’t changed since 2005: attended more Search-In Alabang retreats, some work-related stuff that I can't explain, worked on my photography skills, studied Spanish seriously, completed my World@Work exams and gotten my CCP designation. However, as of Monday, I’m confirmed to facilitate one Search-In activity in a couple of weeks. That’s a start. I hope to achieve more in 2009.
What was the best book you read?
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. I re-read Alan Moore’s Watchmen and appreciate it more now than when I first read it years ago. Does that count?
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Rodrigo y Gabriela. And...
What was/were the best movie/s you saw in 2008?
The Dark Knight,
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Sorry, work-related (would you believe?). Although I really would have wanted to hang out with Caye one more time…
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
January to October: lots of white tops and (surprisingly) red shoes. The usual smart casual to corporate, but with a little more flair this time. November and December: Nike all the way, baby! Yeah! Head to toe to hand bag.
What kept you sane?
My dog. My niece. The Triumvirate. Cable. Employee discount.
Who was/were the best new person/people you met?
Everyone from the Tuesday Dinner Group. All the old friends I found/who found me through Facebook. Danielle Dizon. Pepi XB. The super nice guys from Smart who bought Bianca and I soda in
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:
There are many things that I learned, but I find difficult to articulate and share with the world at large. I can share these, though: I can’t play the drums on RockBand (it’s counter-intuitive), but I’m pretty good with the guitar (my solos rock!). Nike dreams do come true!!! My family really, really loves me and I really, really love them, too. My cousins are the best! And I have the world’s best barkada.
What was the nicest thing someone told you about yourself:
“You are a Jedi mindf***.”
What did you like most about yourself in 2008?
I feel more human, more alive. It’s like everything I’ve gone through has led me to “this” (whatever this happy, content, “I am who I am” state of mind is). I really did surprise myself this year.
What did you hate most about yourself in 2008?
I didn’t swim as often as I should have, and didn’t do as well at work as I know I could. There's more, but I'll keep those to myself. Ha!
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Ooh! You touch my tra-la-la! (Thanks a lot, Julia. Buwiset ka talaga. Hahaha!).
Was 2008 a good year for you?
Yes, even more than 2007 even if I didn’t go on an Iberian or Indian adventure. It really was “filled with magic and dreams and good madness”!
What was your favorite moment of the year?
Holy cow, where do I begin? And what can I share? All the time I spent with Max and Layla. Hanging out with the Nielsens and Menendez Brothers. The day Coco offered me a job at Nike. The day I resigned from Chevron. The look on Tristan’s face when he opened my Christmas gift to him (paperback edition of Dream Hunters): classic! All day yesterday. And so many more….
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Next question, please.
Do you have a new years resolution for 2009?
I will stop smoking by 10 January 2009. I hope. Eep!
What was your favorite record from 2008?
Rodrigo y Gabriela.
How many concerts did you see in 2008?
Four: The Police
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2008 and change something, what would it be?
Now that I look back…nothing. This is the first time I’ve said that.
What are your plans for 2009?
I want to travel, write more substantial pieces, and go back to Search-In in the hopes of making a difference in someone’s life. There are so many things I want to do, but so little time. I need to make it all fit in the next 365 days and make each breathing moment count. Everything suddenly feels so much more "immediate" and important than before.
How are you different now that 2008 has ended?
I get happier every year now, you know? It’s strange. I’m still not used to being really happy and confident.
What are your wishes for the new year?
World peace. Seriously. [insert ship-launching capped-tooth smile here]. Scroll back up to the beginning of this post ;) Thank you. I love you all! Have a rocking 2009!
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