Monday, February 06, 2006

Why do I bother?

Sometimes I surprise myself with the way I react to "news" that really shouldn't affect me, such as -

The Joanne Maglipon - Claudine Barretto Row
Brangelina and the arrival of their bundle of joy (yes, I'm on Team Jolie)
The Lance Armstrong - Sheryl Crow break-up
Changes to the storyline of "X3" (especially the Wolverine - Storm love angle. What's up with that?!)
"Harry Potter 5" casting news
Anything Neil Gaiman and Jeanette Winterson have to say (or write)

Of course, I was affected by what happened at the ULTRA last Saturday (don't get me started because I don't have enough space to comment on it. I'll say this much: I agree, it IS a reflection of how bad times have been). Surprisingly, I actually said "No way!" out loud when I read about Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow. Then again, Lance Armstrong is back in the market. Hmmm... (as if!).


At 12:23 PM, Blogger daddychoy said...

so i heard this joke from joel mchale on The Soup on the E! channel:

"did you hear lance broke off his engagement with sheryl crow?"

"no way! that's soooo nut!"

i had to laugh, even though it was all kinds of wrong...

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hi ate carls!

good luck on your first day of work. please keep in touch; i promise to fill your inbox with lots of spam :D

miss you! God bless!

PS: did you hear about the grand DS-IT lunchout? :P

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Procops said...

what the heck is the joanne - claudine scandal? wha happenned?

At 12:05 AM, Blogger Procops said...

blog update please!!! :)


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