Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happiness and Gloom

Happiness is...

...celebrating the 5th anniversary of my 28th year with my family. Tito Masa cooked a fantastic Italian meal from scratch! He certainly raised the bar for dinners at our house.

...Benjor making it to the finals of The People's Choice Awards of the 1st Philippine Graphic/Fiction Awards (sponsored by Fully Booked and endorsed by Neil Gaiman). Visit this website to read the short story and comics entires - http://www.fullybookedonline.com/eventdtl.php?id=10. Benjor's is called Karnabal and it's absolutely wicked! I love it! (good "cameo", if you will, by Enzo and Sid). I'm so proud of Benjor's work! If you like it, vote for it!

...my dad getting a new job...as a financial adviser! Actually, that's ridiculously funny!

...Italy winning the 2006 World Cup! Yes, I know, I really wanted Brazil to win at the onset. But Italy played as a TEAM, and they played beautifully. I didn't expect them to make it this far. Brazil had too many celebrities and their coach didn't do a good job of instilling some discipline, making a strategy, and taking advantage of the individual strengths of the players.

...Muaresmo finally winning Wimbledon. She's a fantastic player and really deserved this grand slam title.

...knowing that my cast will be removed next Thursday, 20 July 2006! Yahoo!

...a good book. Last week, I finished Bono in Conversation with Michka Assayas (a book I got Bianca for her birthday). Bono is such a beautiful man! So inspiring. Now I'm reading The Devil Wears Prada. Fun, mindless reading. Highly recommended for long flights...and boring hotel stays.

...flying business class on Singapore Airlines. Wonderful!

...well, it's more "hilarious" than anything, but they're a lovely couple and I've always enjoyed their company. My ex-boyfriend's parents were on the same flight to Singapore this morning, except that they were on their way to Jakarta. His mom hugged me and called me "my ex-future daughter-in-law" and that got a few stares. Very funny!

...Fernando Zobel de Ayala being on the same flight to Singapore as I (sigh). And best of all, he smiled at me! Yippee! Of course, I smiled back! I've never been so kilig! Yes, he raised the bar for having that winning smile, a smile rivaled only by his brother's, Jaime Augusto. Heeheehee.

Gloom is...

...Zidane's exit from the football stage. Exactly what did Materazzi say?!?!!

...this fast growing mountain of work that I've got to do. At least it's not a survey!

...not being able to attend Watson Wyatt Philippines' 25th anniversary cocktails tonight. I would really have wanted to see Tito Wil, Joji, Lynette, and my old officemates again.

...being checked in at the Marriot Hotel on Orchard Road, directly across Borders (US-based bookshop with a branch in Wheelock Place), but not being able to walk to it because I'm still in a cast, still using crutches to get around, and Singapore is not a very disabled-friendly place. Apparently, once I need to get out of the hotel, I need to take the underground walkway which does NOT have an elevator but has STAIRS, get out across the street at Shaw House, continue walking underground, then go up the other side of the street to Wheelock, again, by climbing STAIRS. Forget it. Even my beloved books are not worth the torture.

...this hotel not having AXN or Star World. I can't watch CSI: NY, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and Rockstar: Supernova. ARGH!!!

...the freakin' itch inside my cast! And I can't scratch it! Waaaaah!


At 4:35 AM, Blogger daddychoy said...

"5th anniversary of my 28th year with my family"...um...belated happy birthday?

Oh, and Go Benjor!

At 1:15 PM, Blogger jack said...

belated hbd, carla. hope you had a great one!


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