Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Am I The Only One...?

...who misses Rockstar: INXS? Bianca sure does. Who else? Andaya, maybe? Roman? I mean, the concept is good, the girls seem to rock harder this year than the ones last year, but...

OK, my main beef is song selection. What were the producers thinking?!! Are these the only songs they know? If they used a particular song in season one for the rockers to perform, it should not be used in season two because there will be endless comparisons between the season one rockers and the current contenders. Some cases in point:
  • Cult of Personality by Living Color: I thought that Ty did this perfectly. Phil didn't even come close.
  • I'm The Only One by Melissa Etheridge: Damn you, Mark Burnett. Bring Deanna back! Please!
  • Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana: Jordis nailed this one last year. It earned her a well-deserved encore. Patrice is too Sheryl Crow to do as well. Her version was ok, but it didn't have that "WOW!" factor that Jordis' performance had.
  • Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand: I decided Marty was the bees' knees when he sang this in last year's second episode. This new rocker, Chris, is it? Horrible. I don't know why he wasn't sent home last week. And you just can't beat anything Marty did last year, unless you are...
  • Dilana singing Nirvana's Lithium. Oh my God! There she was, channelling Kurt Cobain, hardly moving during her performance. And suddenly...she moved! And she scared the shit out of me! I had just finished bitching about how Rockstar was turning into American Idol for rockers simply because we, the voting public, only have an idea of what Supernova will sound like in the end (although, I must say, I fully understand why Chris Daughtry didn't make the Rockstar cut and ended up on American Idol instead). We all knew who INXS were, what their sound was. But Supernova? Rock supergroup? Ex-Motley Crue, ex-Guns n' Roses, ex-Metallica, new singer...equals...heavy metal with a bit of glam? Seriously. What is this new sound they're talking about? So I'm just going by what I think a "new rock supergroup of the 21st century" should sound like. Then Dilana took the stage. And...HOLY SHIT! WIIILD! (or as Def would say, "Dude-pare, alam na 'to!"). Right after her performance, Miggy called me on my mobile and I could hear Tanya laughing in the background as he said, "O, ano, American Idol pa rin ba?"

So, despite the song selection issue and what I feel are lackluster performances from most of this year's rockers, how goes my vote? Dilana is the one! Yes, I know I thought Marty had it in the bag last year, but Dilana is absolutely perfect for a rock band with the likes of Tommy Lee in it. She freaked me out last week, and impressed me today with her amazing rendition of Johnny Cash's Reign of Fire (I've got the track on "repeat" over the internet now. I love broadband!). Had Dilana been in the same competition as Jordis and Marty, she would have given them a run for their money. And she'd kick JD's ass from here to Kingdom Come. Of course, I'm not thinking of an INXS audition.

But who am I to complain? I can't sing to save my life. However, I am part of the all important internet/SMS voting public. See, I went out of my way to purchase the Marty Casey and Lovehammers CD, but haven't bothered with INXS' Switch. And I'm not the only one.


At 10:49 AM, Blogger daddychoy said...

Yeah, I miss RS:INXS, because most of them could actually sing; even Dana, the first one eliminated, just lost it with her anguished wail. Now? Yeesh.

Dilana's a standout, to be sure--I didn't know Ring of Fire, so when I heard her I thought she was singing some old Stevie Nicks song. But Toby's still my boy (although sadly, when I hear "Toby" I think of the cute beagle from The Great Mouse Detective). Not necessarily to win (because I think Lukas is TCM), but to watch.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger daddychoy said..., TCO, not TCM (although I can see Lukas as the "Tree Crushing Monster" in Lost...)


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