Thursday, March 29, 2007

Kermit Hurts

I still don't know how to react to this. It's funny. It's sad. It's dark. It's creepy. It's thought-provoking. It's.... Oh, just see for yourself. You can check it out here:

...or here (where I first saw it):

Let me know what you think. The Jim Henson portrait. "Thinking of" Miss Piggy. OMG, Rowlf?! Man, that was nasty. I want to know what Waldorf and Statler would say to that!

Friday, March 23, 2007

You're Very Fat Body Tell Death Do As Part

Two weeks ago, I saw this written on a taxi infront of me.

Tell death do as part. Just call my name Richard.

Classic! As my friend Ma-an pointed out, "It's so brilliance! I think I'll introduce myself that way next time. Just call my name Ma-an."

And then Anna I. sent me an oldie but a goodie on email. Remember when this message made the rounds? Hilarious! And yes, I'm in a lait mood. Lait. Lait. And more lait. It's been a tough first quarter. I need a real stress break....

Actual letter found in a bar in Malate:

To Marjie,

I am not surprise or wander why Dennis leave you. Why? What reason you can think about but you're very fat body. I'm thought before that Dennis only use me to his toy but sooner and later I'm realize that he really can't not beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at first, Dennis say he could not stand you're habit of making pakialam all his walks and always calling to their house what time he go home or this or that and then he say he get ashame to met you iether in school or in his family and then asking you to exercise you're very, very, very fat body but you hate it you thoughth you're the most prettiest girls he know about what do you think you are "Beautiful Girl" of Jose Mari Chan even you are beautiful face (to your think) you do not have the rigth to called me whatsoever or else different name one time or the other for the real purposed to insults my personality because I'm never call you names before iether in front of Dennis or in the backs of Dennis, but if you start already to calling me different name, I'm don't have any other choice but to called you other different name to like you are a PIG, FAT, OBESSED, OVERWIGHT AND UGLY SHAPE girl. Shame to you're body that is to a BUDING. You can't not blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I'm am the more sexier than you when you look to us in the mirror. I'm repeat again that you are like Ike Lozada when she is a girl.


Ps. You say that I'm the bad breathe But who is Dennis want to kissed. Me or you? You or me? And the final is me.

Keeping Up with the World

Friendster. Hi 5. MySpace. Multiply. How many sets of networks does one really need to keep track of family and friends? Just to access my friends' play lists, blogs and phlogs, I need to register in each "friend group". What a hassle. New log in name, password, profile, pictures. Haaay. Only people who know my aliases will find me on MySpace and Multiply. I'm there for them, not for the world to see (that's what Friendster and Blogger are for). I have nothing to post on Hi 5, MySpace and Multiply because everything anyone really needs to know about me is here or on Friendster. Or they can just ask! Even international phone calls are cheap now. Or free! Plus, there's no one in the other networks who I *really* need to keep in touch with who is not on my mobile phone/email contact list/Friendster or is someone I won't bump into in Makati, the Town Centre or the Cuenca Bazaars. Sure, JM is in Bangkok, but we SMS and email each other regularly, and chat on Yahoo! Messenger and Skype. Celso's in Seatlle, but I can just call him (which I do at least once a year). Gars hasn't left; I can just drive over to his house.

How about sharing the photos that I've taken? It's a skill that I've been trying to build and I like sharing what I've seen, where I've been. I could start a phlog. But where? I stopped posting my pictures on pBase three years ago because they started charging for space. I'm cheap. I want to post for free! Blogger and Friendster have file size limits. My pBase account still exists and you can still visit my site (point your browsers to Feel free to post comments and suggestions. I haven't improved!), but I have another set of pictures up on Shutterfly (I can't even remember my account details, but there's a link in one my blog posts from September 2005). Benjor and Macky find it easier to upload photos on Multiply. Should I go there? But that means I have to maintain 2 networks and 2 blog formats. I don't even have time to walk my dog!

It's funny, though, that I know what some of my friends are up to simply by reading their blogs or logging onto Friendster. Someone like Roman can probably say the same thing (and we keep in touch by commenting on each other's blogs). I haven't spoken to Lilit in about a year, but I know how he is thanks to Friendster. I haven't been in touch with Jemen since she was expatriated to Hong Kong, but her blog says it all. I haven't sat down with Jay I. to talk about his Evenstar Project, but I like what I've heard on MySpace. I didn't know Zachy was doing so well in school until I read it on Gabby's blog. I was waiting for blog updates on Benjor's LiveJournal only to find out he's moved to Multiply. Stupid me, I could've just called to ask how he's been, right? Know what I mean?

They say the world is getting smaller because it's supposedly easier to stay updated on people you know and to get to know people from different backgrounds or cultures. Online networks make it easier to share. However, the world is also becoming more anti-social. I don't like the idea of my closest friends being just "online friends" (or worse, simply my "friendsters"!). What ever happened to hanging out in the House of Sin or Miggy's bangketa, chatting over a cold bottle of San Mig Light on a lazy afternoon, partying in a bar, making fun of passers by in the mall? Whatever happened to "keeping in touch"?

Sigh. What's an exhibitionist to do?

Monday, March 12, 2007


The problem with a film like 300 is that I can't find just one movie still or poster to post on my blog to share my appreciation. Each frame is a work of art. Director of Photography Larry Fong is a genius! The light! The color! The composition! Oh my God!

Here is but one of my many favorite stills (and scenes).

Actually, words escape me. 300 is an absolutely fantastic film. Simply amazing. It is visually stunning for many reasons (at least 300 of them!). As Bianca pointed out, it is what Alexander should have been. And I didn't recognize Rodrigo Santoro! I couldn't reconcile the fact that I knew he was playing Xerxes; I knew it was all just make-up and effects; I knew they used voice effects; but my God, they didn't have to make him look like Ru Paul! I wanted my Brazilian hottie and I wanted to enjoy looking at him. Nevertheless...there were enough...uh..."able-bodied Spartans" to choose from.
300 is not something you watch on dibidi. And if you ever buy the original DVD once it's released, you're going to need a LARGE widescreen TV to see it on. Go see it in the theatre. NOW. I saw 300 twice over the weekend. I wish I saw it on IMAX!
"Respect and honor." "Only the strong may call themselves Spartans." I can just imagine how Dexter is going to recite each and every line the next time we meet up with JR, et al. In the meantime, "Eat heartily...for TONIGHT...WE DINE...IN HELL!!!"