Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bro. Felix, FSC

My dad and his classmates paid Bro. Felix a surprise visit last weekend. Bro. Felix stays in the retired brothers home in Mont La Salle, Napa Valley, California. His Alzheimer's is setting in and he now moves very slowly.

I hope to visit him soon. He's such a character. Back in the day, he had a great memory and sharp wit. Now, I doubt he will remember me or that he never called me by my real name or that he often said I spoke and acted like Papa (is that good or bad?).

It's hard to look back at my Zobel days without remembering Bro. Felix and his "lost and found" speech about the bow-day-gah. He is now the last of the American Christian Brothers sent to run the La Salle schools in the Philippines. I don't know if he knows exactly the kind of impact he had on all of us who grew up with him around. If anything should happen to him now, I will take it much harder than when I last saw Bro. Benedict's golf set outside the DLSU main chapel. God bless Bro. Felix. La Salle needs more brothers like him. Bro. Arian, you're our only hope!


At 6:06 PM, Blogger Procops said...

wow... he's stil alive? damn.. i thought he passed away a few years back...


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